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Food in Honduras

Food in


Food In Honduras

If you don't know what to eat in Honduras don't worry, the cuisine of this country is very varied. The different criollo, indigenous, Spanish and pre-Columbian influences make Honduran cuisine an exceptional blend.

Before talking about the typical dishes of Honduras, it is good to know that corn is the base of Honduran cuisine. This cereal is the mainstay of the diet of many indigenous peoples, but in Honduras it is present in almost all dishes.

On the other hand, meat, fish and poultry, together with beans and rice combine to create really delicious dishes. Legumes and vegetables along with dairy are also part of the traditional recipes of the country.

Let's see now what the typical dishes to eat in Honduras are and why you can't miss out on trying them.


Soups and entrees

In Honduras it is very popular to prepare soups of all kinds, perhaps the most famous is the crab soup. However, you will find chicken soup, venison, beans, tortilla and vegetables. But if there is a typical Honduran soup it's the snail soup, made with snails, coconuts, bananas, carrots, cassava, onions, garlic, chilies, margarine and milk.

Following the starters, the cuisine of Honduras has a long list of options: enchiladas, tamales, taquitos, cakes and catrachitas are part of the most emblematic typical dishes.

The empandas are also part of Honduran cuisine as in many other Latin American countries. In Honduras they are prepared with ripe bananas, flour, butter, cooked beans and butter.

Another of the typical Honduran appetizers are the bean Pupusas which are made with fried beans with onions and butter. They are placed in a corn tortilla with cheese and grated cheese. They are delicious and are perfect as a snack.


First and unique dishes

When choosing what to eat in Honduras, its most typical dishes usually contain beef, chicken or fish. There are also dishes with vegetables based on rice and/or corn which are served in the form of empandas.



In the northern part of the country, specifically in La Ceiba, this typical dish of Honduran cuisine known as baleada is prepared. The baleada consists of a wheat pancake filled with beans. To the beans cheese and a sauce of sour cream are added, sometimes also ham. It is served for breakfast and will give you enough energy for the whole day.



Ears of corn are called elotes in Honduras and they are cooked and then bathed in abundant margarine or butter. It is eaten as a snack, but it can also be part of the dinner or first course in the meal.



Casamiento is one of the typical dishes of Honduras which consists of rice accompanied by beans. Its preparation is very simple and olive oil, sweet green chili, coriander and chopped onion are also used to prepare it.


Carne asoleada

The particularity of this dish of the Honduran cuisine is that to give it the characteristic flavour it has, the meat has to be marinated for about seven hours. In addition to this, a charcoal grill is used to cook it, which is what gives it the final touch. To make this dish, beef, garlic, oregano, cumin, salt, olive oil and the juice of a sour orange are used.



To make the candiga or chanfaina, green chilis, onion, tomatoes, garlic, celery, margarine, basil, coriander and sour orange juice are used. The resulting stew is served with white rice, pancakes, black beans and curd. All a forceful and tasty dish which you can't miss out on trying.


Tapado of salted meat

Another of the typical dishes of the cuisine of Honduras is the meat tapado. This dish uses salted beef, chilis, tomatoes, onions, bananas or yucca, coriander, salt, pepper and shredded coconut for its preparation. For lovers of meat, it is a discovery.


Yuca with pork rind

Of all the dishes to eat in Honduras, yucca with pork rinds is a speciality which is also typical of Nicaragua and El Salvador. It is made with a medium-sized cassava, garlic, cabbage, carrots, green chili, salt, ginger and of course pork rinds.

But in addition to all these main courses, bread and desserts also have their place in the cuisine of Honduras.


Honduran bread

Bread is made in this Central American country in many ways: doughnuts, cakes, quesadillas, coconut bread, minimal bread and yucca cassava are part of their cuisine. The latter is especially traditional and is prepared from cassava flour, it is an unleavened and crunchy bread which is baked or grilled.



The cuisine of Honduras has a dessert menu to satisfy all kinds of palates. You can find anything from the famous rice with milk and raisins, passing though fritters, flans, torrijas and doughnuts, to tostones of ripe banana with honey.

Now that you know everything you can eat in Honduras, to complete the banquet try one of their traditional drinks; Guaro for example is a brandy which you will find almost anywhere in country. The coyol and apple wines, along with the beer are also excellent options. And if you want to try something different, you can try Güifiti, a drink made with herbs and plants with anise and cinnamon which is very refreshing.

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