Is it safe to travel to Turkey? | Tips to keep in mind

safe to travel to Turkey

Is it safe to travel to Turkey? After the events of recent years where the political, economic and social order of a nation was destabilized, it is normal to ask this question. Whenever you go to a new place, the best thing is to inform yourself and take some precautions – but you don’t have to take everything the media reports at face value.

When planning a holiday, it is good to know as much as possible about your destination. If you haven’t chosen where to go because you are concerned about your safety, it’s a good idea to find out as much as you can and speak with people who have been there recently.

Turkey, like many travel destinations, has been stigmatised by recent events that have damaged the country’s reputation. However, we still love and recommend Turkey as a holiday destination and in this article we will give you some tips to stay safe and well-informed for your trip. Let’s start!

It is safe to travel to Turkey! Absolutely

Turkey is filled with famous sights and beautiful beaches and has long been dependent on tourists for a significant portion of its wealth. So the security problems of recent years have clearly affected its economy. However, is it correct to ask if it is still safe to travel to Turkey?

As with travelling to any country in the world, risk always exists. No country guarantees your security one hundred percent. However we do not deny that there are problems that Turkey must take care of them. Political demonstrations, the border with Syria, and coup attempts all destabilise the country, but Turkey should not be generalised as a dangerous country overall. In fact, the UK Foreign Office state that most visits to Turkey are trouble free, and over 2.3 million Brits visited the country in 2018!

The effects on tourism

Although Turkey’s tourist industry has been damaged by events of recent years, the charms of the country are undimmed. Istanbul, one of the ten most beautiful cities in the world, is as beautiful as ever, and still welcomes millions of tourists every year. Despite the decline in visitors since 2016, 2019 is looking like a year of recovery for Turkey – meaning that now is the perfect time to go.

It’s worth pointing out that of different countries recommend travelling with extreme caution around the border areas. We understand that countries seek to protect their citizens, but the tourist areas in Turkey remain safe and are vigilant in their protection of tourists. Do not let your holiday plans to Istanbul or Pamukkale be disrupted by fears of the Syrian border, over 350 miles away!

However, do use your common sense. Be vigilant in crowds, try to not visit remote areas without a local guide, and don’t travel to the border areas. Always stay alert, but don’t let this take over your holiday. Enjoy your trip, relax, and enjoy exploring beautiful Turkey!

What are the most visited places in Turkey?

As we have said in this article, Turkey is a vibrant, varied, and impressive tourist destination. Turkey welcomes and needs visitors and that is why they take good care of tourists.

Consequently, the most visited and safest places in Turkey are those locations with the largest number of tourists. Famous destinations such as Istanbul, Cappadocia, Pamukkale, Ephesus and Kusadasi are destinations that will surprise you with their beauty and best of all, you will feel very safe in them. So do not be afraid to discover them on a trip from beautiful Istanbul to historic Troy!

Stay informed and you can go to Turkey without fear. Speak to people who have travelled there, engage with your travel provider, and always check in with the UK Foreign Office. Take your usual everyday precautions to ensure your peace of mind – and enjoy your holiday to stunning Turkey.

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