When is the best time to visit Vietnam

Maybe you don’t know when to travel to Vietnam to guarantee the best weather. You should know that there are quite a few different climate zones. It also has a typhoon season, winter, as well as a dry season. All this must be taken into account when planning your trip to this wonderful Asian country.

The best time to travel to Vietnam

Vietnam has flat areas in the south and large mountainous areas in the north, which in itself makes a climatic difference. But, the country can also be divided into three very distinct climate zones: North Vietnam and Hanoi, South Vietnam and Ho Chi Minh and Central Vietnam and the Gulf of Da Nang.

For this reason, it’s difficult to identify the perfect time to travel to Vietnam and which works for the whole country. However, in short, we could say that it’s advisable to travel to Vietnam during the dry season (November to early April). At this time of year you’ll have pleasant temperatures and low humidity, with January and February being the best months.

On the other hand, if you travel during the wet season, between May and October, the advantage is that you’ll find better prices and fewer tourists. October and November can still be good for visiting the country, as the rains are subsiding. But if we had to single out a few specific months, we would say that February and March would be ideal.

However, we’ll determine when to visit Vietnam according to the region, to make sure you can enjoy the best possible climate and temperature.

When to travel to North Vietnam

best time to visit Vietnam

In the north of the country, there are four seasons, but in reality, you could say there are only two: summer and winter. During the winter months from November to April, the climate is cold, especially in the mountains. The coolest months are December and January, with minimum temperatures of 14ºC and maximum of 22ºC. As you can tell, the temperatures are quite pleasant. Winter also coincides with the dry season, so they’re ideal for visiting areas such as the provinces of Ha Giang or Sapa.

During the summer, which runs from May to October, the heat and humidity are compounded by torrential rains. June and July are the hottest months, with an average temperature of 33ºC, and abundant rainfall. Typhoons are concentrated in September and October, so it would not be advisable to travel to northern Vietnam during these months.

In conclusion, to travel to North Vietnam, December, January, February and March are preferable.

When to travel to South Vietnam

when to travel to South Vietnam

The south is characterised by a variable tropical climate, with well-differentiated dry and wet seasons. The dry season runs between November and January, with an average temperature of 30ºC, which corresponds to the winter, marked by hot and dry days. Between February and May, the thermometer can reach 35ºC, so if you don’t like the heat and humidity, it’s best to avoid these months.

The rainy season begins in June and ends in October. The average temperature during this season is 31ºC, and the rains fall mainly in the afternoon. Humidity and hot air are common during this season. June to September is when the highest amount of rain falls.

Therefore, the best time to travel to South Vietnam and see the Mekong Delta, Ho Chi Minh, Nha Trang, or Phu Quoc, would be between December and March, with December, January and February being the best times.

When to travel to Central Vietnam

best time to travel to Central Vietnam

The central part of the country is a mix of the northern and southern climates, meaning its climate is humid and tropical. From January to the end of August, the climate in this part of the country is hot and dry. The thermometer can reach 35ºC in May, and then go down starting from July, giving way to the rains, which are more abundant in October and November.

Temperatures are highest from May to August, so if you don’t like to be hot, avoid these months. If want to avoid rain and typhoons, don’t travel between October and December. Although these are months with a pleasant temperature, the climate is not stable enough to guarantee a pleasant trip.

In conclusion, from February to May would be the best time to visit central Vietnam and see Hoi An, Hue, or the Gulf of Da Nang in good weather.

Now you know when to travel to Vietnam to visit the best places in this beautiful Asian country. Don’t think twice, just choose your trip dates. A natural paradise, full of culture and dreamy landscapes is waiting for you.