When is the best time to visit Brazil

map Brazil
Brazil is a very large country, so when the time comes to decide when to travel there, you will need to think about the different regions. But generally speaking, we could say that the best time to travel to Brazil is at any time of the year.

When the best time to travel to Brazil

The best time to travel to Brazil is at any time of the year, not just because of its beauty, but also for its culture, festivities, gastronomy and the nature of its inhabitants. But let’s stop a little while to think about the climate. To decide when to travel to Brazil with greater certainty, you should know that, if you travel to the Brazilian coast between April and October, you will encounter a dry and temperate climate. If you decide to travel to the south of the country during the same months, you will encounter a cooler climate. Alternatively, from December to the end of March, heat is the main feature throughout this beautiful country. That being so, you need to keep in mind that it coincides with the Brazilian summer, so there will be many tourists both from within and outside the country. This means it will be more difficult to find accommodation, and prices will be higher. Keeping this in mind, let’s look at when to travel to Brazil, region by region.

When to travel to northern Brazil

If the purpose of your trip to Brazil is to visit the Amazon jungle, the best time for this is between June and September. This region has a humid climate and is rather hot, with abundant rainfall. So much so that it rains all year round, but particularly between December and May. Therefore avoiding December, January, February and May would be a good decision for visiting the Brazilian Amazon or the fantastic beaches, such as Porto de Galinhas, Jericoacoara, Caraíva, or the beautiful Praia do Gunga.

When to travel to northeast Brazil

This region has a favourable climate during the whole year, and another advantage of travelling to this region is that it is less humid than the rest of the country. Nonetheless, it is a hot climate, so if you don’t like the heat, it is best to travel in September and November. If these dates do not suitable for your travel, choose any other season, keeping in mind that the peak of the tourist season is from December to February. If you want to visit Salvador de Bahía, Recife, the pretty city of Natal in Rio Grande del Norte, or the beautiful beach at Pipa with its Praia do Amor, or the Bahía dos Golfinhos, plan your trip whenever you want and get ready to enjoy all the flavours of Brazil.

When to travel to southern Brazil

The best time to travel to the south of Brazil is in the winter, that is, the Brazilian winter, particularly between June and August. During these months, the temperature is hot, but not suffocatingly hot, and although it still rains, it is not torrential. For the rest of the time, if you can take the heat, you can visit this region at any time of the year. Famous places such as Río de Janeiro, Sao Paulo or Porto Alegre, await you and will surprise you with their liveliness and beauty. If you want to visit these emblematic locations calmly, avoid going between December and February, as this is the locals’ holiday season and everywhere will be full of people.

When to travel to central and eastern Brazil

If you want to avoid the rains, don’t travel during the summer, as although the temperatures are pleasant there will be much more rainfall. Alternatively, in winter, the climate is drier and hotter, which is more suitable for a more relaxed visit to this interesting region. To sum up, you should plan your travel between April and September. Get your suitcases ready for a visit to Brasilia, the capital of rhythm. Discover its architecture and immerse yourself in the most vibrant Brazilian culture. Or perhaps you would prefer to discover the Mato Grosso region, where you can visit the National Park of Chapada dos Gimaraes, or the Matogrossense Reservoir, Porto Jofre or Cuiabá. Whatever you choose, it is best to travel during the Brazilian winter.

When to travel to Brazil for the festivals

Another reason for your trip to Brazil may be to go to one of the country’s festivals and festivities. There is no doubt that you have heard about the Rio Carnival, but, as well as the carnival, there are a whole lot of other festivities between May and October that you should not miss. The climate will be on your side between the end of April and end of October so you can enjoy all the events that Brazil has to offer. Of course, as we have said before, you can travel to Brazil between December and February, but you will be doing so along with several million other people. Now that you know when to travel to Brazil, depending to the regions and your purpose for the trip, pack your suitcases. Brazil awaits you.