Interesting facts about United States

The most visited monuments in the world

The most visited monuments in the world | Let’s discover them


There are unique, indescribable, and impressive places. Monuments created by man that have become icons, emblems of civilizations, towns or cities. Places that by their greatness and historical importance make part of the desire of every traveler. Who has not dreamed about the perfect photography in a historical monument? Postcards...

best travel movies

11 best travel movies that will make you travel around de world


Sometimes we can’t just pack our stuff and leave. But travelholics have always a substitute for the road. Sometimes, watching a movie takes you where you want to go. this is what happens with these films. The 11 best travel movies ever. 1.- Memories of Africa The photograph and the...

best carnivals in the world

10 best carnivals in the world that you must see


February is carnival time and you can tour the entire planet visiting the best carnivals in the world. From Italy to Brazil through Belgium or Bolivia. Choose your destination and dance until you can no longer move. 1. Carnival of Ivrea, Italy Famous throughout Italy and abroad, if you visit...

Halloween around the globe

Halloween around the globe


Día de los Muertos, Halloween, All Saints, Samhain… Depending on the country where you are, this celebration has different names and traditions. What they do have in common are the protagonists of the evening to whom they pay tribute between the night of October 31 and November 1 and 2:...

Go west: best places to experience nature in the States


Westerns and cartoons have planted the seeds of adventure in most of us. They have also made us long to experience nature in the States. There are many places to visit if you want to replicate the pioneer life or, at least, to feel as amazed as the first white...