Interesting facts about Argentina


TOP 12 + 5 most populated cities in the world that you should visit

There are trips for all tastes. Paradise and desert places, mountains, nature, beaches, sea, islands. What these places have in common is that they are the ideal place for rest. However, there are other types of destinations made for those who enjoy chaos to some degree. The most populated cities...


10 vacations for over 60s that you will never forget

The golden age comes to many with everything necessary to enjoy the best trips of our lives. Time and will, that desire to want to explore the world after so many years of hard-working. We get a moment of deserved rest and for those who have the time available and...


The 15 best places in South America to go on vacation

The new continent has everything for your vacation trips. We travel South America from south to north and from east to west to show you some dream destinations that could make your next vacation, the best of your life. Contrasts in colors, flavors, landscapes, you will be surprised with the...

places to visit in Patagonia Argentina

5 places to visit in Patagonia Argentina

Patagonia Argentina is a wonderful place. A natural region that you must visit at least once in your life. We are sure that getting to this place will make you fall in love with the natural wonders of Argentina. To arrive here is to explore the last corner of the...

The Bucket List: Iguazu Falls

The Iguazu Falls should be on your bucket list if it isn’t already. You may have seen photos or even visited similar waterfalls elsewhere but this wonder of nature truly must be seen to be believed. More than a million visitors from all over the globe visit every year and...

10 must see places in Argentina

We tell you the 10 must-see places in Argentina that you ought not to miss. Whatever it happens. If you travel to the country who gave birth to the Tango, make at least some of the next stops. 1. The Perito Moreno This huge glacier opens our list of must-see places...